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TARC 1101 leaves TARC headed for Louisville Trolley.

We got a trolley!!
TARC 1101 leaves TARC headed for Louisville Trolley.

Trolley says goodbye to TARC.

We didn't have a company. We didn't have a name. We didn't have a plan.

We did have the desire to keep this trolley in Louisville.

The last six open backed trolleys had been auctioned off.  One was put in a museum (thankfully), one become a personal tail-gating vehicle, one went to New York, one went to Chicago, one went to Tennessee and 1101 is going  home with us.

Cindy, Mom and Carolyn view the world from the balcony as we pick up 1101.We picked up 1101 in December after a Thanksgiving auction. This is what twenty five years of service will do. Not bad overall...

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